Aim: to increase user’s motivation on tasks, solve procrastination and their slothful habits
Target audience: Students in all levels
Style: interesting, easy to use
Style: interesting, easy to use
Interaction format: Shapes and Patterns

See file:

Prototypes of FRENEMY
Main feature of the app:
1. Different shapes represent different users, and they will be moving around the space provided 2. When a shape grows bigger, it means that the user has done a task
3. The sizes of the shapes are based on users working efficiency and progress.
4. During the game/ at the end of the game (there is a timer), the space will get thronged with the growing shapes
3. The sizes of the shapes are based on users working efficiency and progress.
4. During the game/ at the end of the game (there is a timer), the space will get thronged with the growing shapes
5. Some shapes (users with smaller progress compared to others) might get squeezed out of the space
6. For playing with friends, motivate each other, more focus on tasks, or else will be eliminated.
6. For playing with friends, motivate each other, more focus on tasks, or else will be eliminated.