“+able” = “table”, it was created as a platform to offer support and warmth to people in need. It matches the core brand value and aims - giving a stance and reliable impression.

The first vid would target donors with an example of the Round-Up system. It would also invite the audience to volunteer and show their support towards Table.

The second vid would target receivers. It would mention Table's 4 main features.

They would ensure the hygiene of the food truck. People could easily identify workers as well in order to prevent confusion, thus, receivers or the public would be comfortable in communicating with staff and volunteers.

The channel icon would be presented with a simple and concise “t” and a dot “.” from the name of the food bank, 'table.' The simplicity of the design makes the icon more recognizable

The banner would be illustrated with multiple choices of food and cooking tools in different sizes. Exaggerated illus- trations of adult and child hands are targeting single parents families, as well as reflecting the brand value of being supportive.